Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome! I am Laura Robinson, and I am a Certified Professional Wedding Planner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. I own and operate Innobrations, a unique and innovative Wedding and Event Planning Business.

There's so much to a wedding...style, ettiquette, ideas, colors, venues...the list goes on and on. Here you can find tips, ideas, trends, traditions and things that you just might not know about weddings.

Thanks so much for stopping by...and be sure to check out my website at

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some Wedding Do's and Don'ts

The weather is beautiful and spring-like today - this kind of weather means that soon it will be wedding season.  If you were engaged recently, congratulations!  If you're planning a wedding and you're feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to start, contact me at www.innobrations.com, or call or text me at 513-407-7165.  I can be there to help you plan the entire wedding, be there on the big day to make things run smoothly, or anything in between!

Wedding Do's and Don'ts...the first round....

DO remember your guests with small children.  Consider providing childcare at your reception so guests with young children can enjoy the celebration without worrying about their kids!

DO contact the church or synagogue where you will be having your ceremony and ask about rules or guidelines concerning music. 

DON'T forget to involve step-parents in your ceremony in some way, perhaps a reading during the ceremony or an invocation during dinner.

DON'T forget to pamper yourself.  It reduces stress and makes you feel relaxed and beautiful.

DO remember when shopping for a gown, be realistic about your expectations for losing weight.  A gown can be taken in; rarely is there enough seam fabric for it to be taken out, and there also could be stitch holes visible.

DO consider table visits during your reception.  It is a grand display of appreciation and respect when the bride and groom spend a few moments with their guests at their tables.

DON'T forget that the best way to let people know that you have registered for gifts is through friends and family.   While it's impolite to include this in wedding invitations, it is acceptable for the hostess to include it on shower invitations.

DON'T forget about the vegetarians on your guest list.  Fortunately, it's easy to accomodate virtually all dining preferences and restrictions with a little planning!

I'll visit this topic again soon - with more Do's and Don'ts!

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