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Welcome! I am Laura Robinson, and I am a Certified Professional Wedding Planner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. I own and operate Innobrations, a unique and innovative Wedding and Event Planning Business.

There's so much to a wedding...style, ettiquette, ideas, colors, venues...the list goes on and on. Here you can find tips, ideas, trends, traditions and things that you just might not know about weddings.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Guests - who should you invite?

With today's elaborate weddings and pricey receptions, one of the ways to control the cost is to control the guest list. This adds another problem - who should I invite?  It's always a tough decision when you have a limited number of invitations and a guest list that's too long for everyone to attend.  So how do you decide?

Some things to keep in mind:

~ You must always invite immediate family.  This means your aunts, uncles, grandparents.  Your cousins are optional.  To keep hurt feelings in check, don't talk about the wedding plans at family gatherings.

What about the neighbors?  If you've been close as family, then, yes.  If not, then you'll can leave them off the list.

~  How about family that live far away and you know probably won't attend?  Yep, invite them.  Maybe consider sending a note that says something like "We wanted to share our good news with you!  We'll make sure we send pictures after the wedding!"

Should you invite guest's children?  That's up to you.  If you opt for a "no children" policy, then you need to inform parents of this.  If you're worried that they will get upset when they see your flower girl or ring bearer, then they will just have to be upset.  It's your day, and those children are a special part of your wedding party.  A great idea for guests with children: provide a nursery at the church, and have your reception venue provide a small side room as a makeshift "babysitting room".  Provide kid-friendly food (like pizza or hot dogs), a television with a selection of movies, and other things for them to play with.  Parents will love it - they can party and enjoy themselves, knowing they can check on the tots whenever they want, and you won't have a bunch of kiddies running around your reception or making noise during your vows.

~  Dad's business partners:  Not necessarily.  If you've got room, yes - but if you're looking to pare down your guest list, they can be left off.

~ What about those people who asked, albiet innocently "Will I be invited?" when you were first engaged, and, in the excitement of the moment, you said "Yes!"...but now, you have to leave them off the list.  Take them aside, and gently explain that you have to make some radical cuts in the interest of budget.  Hopefully, they are understanding.  But, make sure that you aren't leaving them out if their group of friends or collegues are attending...for example, there's a group at work that eats lunch together every day, and you've invited the entire group - except one.  That is a recipe for hurt feelings.  In this case, scratch the whole group from your list.

A few other tips:
- Allot a certain number of invitations to your groom's parents and your parents.  Save some for yourself.  That way, everyone can decide who they need to invite.
- You can invite your officiant to the reception, but if you don't really know them well, you don't have to.
- If someone is invited to your bridal shower, they MUST be invited to your wedding.  It's happened to me, and I think it's awfully rude to expect a shower gift without an invitation to the wedding.
- If you don't get a respond card returned from a guest, don't hesitate to give them a friendly phone call and ask if they are planning to attend.  You'll need to keep good records for the catering company.

Remember, it's your day, and you should surround yourself with those you love most.  Be gentle and kind - don't go on and on about your wedding around folks that won't be invited.  Class = tact = poise = manners. 

Invitations can be tricky.  Buying invitations can be trickier.  I carry a big line of fabulous invitations at good prices!  Why not look through my books and find something that reflects your big day?  If you mention my blog, I'll give you 15% off your entire order!  Contact me here, or by cell or text at 513-407-7165, or e-mail at innobrations@yahoo.com

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