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Welcome! I am Laura Robinson, and I am a Certified Professional Wedding Planner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. I own and operate Innobrations, a unique and innovative Wedding and Event Planning Business.

There's so much to a wedding...style, ettiquette, ideas, colors, venues...the list goes on and on. Here you can find tips, ideas, trends, traditions and things that you just might not know about weddings.

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Favorite Moments

"What was your favorite part of your wedding?"

That is one of the questions that I asked when I contacted quite a few of my friends and family for a little unofficial poll.  I'm almost 48 years old, so I know a lot of ladies who were once brides.  These wonderful women are from different parts of my life: some were schoolmates, some are family, some are friends, some I met through my children.  There were two common threads:  first, they are all women, and secondly (and most importantly!) they all were/are married.  I asked them three questions:  1. "What was your favorite part of your wedding?"; 2. "What went wrong with your wedding?"  and 3. "If you could change anything, what would you change?".  I was delighted to have received 30 responses!  This gives me great insight into the mind of a bride, and what is remembered many years after the day.
Today I'll blog about the first question - but I'll address the other two later.
My Wedding, September 1, 1984

"What was your favorite part of your wedding?"
       I was pleasantly surprised to find that many women responded to that question by telling me of a specific moment.  When you're planning your wedding, you're concentrating on the big things - gown, reception site, food, flowers.  Surprisingly, none of those things were mentioned by my friends.  One friend told me that when she was leaving the church, she lost her shoe on the steps.  Her new husband went back to get it, and one of her guests remarked, "Just like Cinderella!".  Former brides fondly recall being with their family as one of their favorites, especially the special moments while getting ready for the wedding, and their parents (some had just dad, some both mom and dad) escorting them down the aisle.  Some loved their cake; some, their first dance; some the car rides; but, overwhelmingly, more former brides mentioned that the ceremony was their favorite part - marrying the man they loved in front of all the people that they loved.
      This tells me that while many brides are fretting and stressing about details, what really matters is what is basic:  again, marrying the man that you love in front of all the people you love. 
      Keep this in mind when you're planning your wedding. 
Remember to cherish this time with your family and friends. Remember it's about your groom and how much you love him.  And, mostly remember: it's the moments, both planned and unexpected, that you'll carry in your heart.

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