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Welcome! I am Laura Robinson, and I am a Certified Professional Wedding Planner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. I own and operate Innobrations, a unique and innovative Wedding and Event Planning Business.

There's so much to a wedding...style, ettiquette, ideas, colors, venues...the list goes on and on. Here you can find tips, ideas, trends, traditions and things that you just might not know about weddings.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Destination Weddings

Greetings from Upper Michigan!  My daughter (who is in college) and I are on our way to Marquette, Michigan, to visit my niece who is a student at Northern Michigan University.  We have been in the Mackinac area for a day or so now, and today we leave for Marquette.  In case you're not familiar with the area, it's where Lower and Upper Michigan are connected by the Mackinac Bridge, which  traverses the Straits of Mackinac - the 5 mile-wide channel that connects Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.  It's snowy and cold in March, but it's absolutely enchanting in the summer.  Located in the Straits is Mackinac Island, accessible only by ferry boat and a place where automobiles are prohibited.  It's like stepping back in time.  With it's gorgeous views, temperate climate, and old-world feel, it's a popular place for weddings.  This got me to thinking about destination weddings.

Photo from Mackinac Island Carriage Tours website, http://www.mict.com/
     Maybe you've always dreamed of getting married on the beach, or on a mountain, or in the tropics, but remember, there's a few important things to consider before you jump head first into a destination wedding:
1.  Your guests!  It's expensive to travel, even if it's by car.  Recently, my cousin had a lovely wedding in South Carolina, and many of our family traveled from Michigan to attend.  I estimated that with all the travel and lodging costs, guests probably averaged $800 - $1,000 to attend her wedding.  Just keep in mind that some folks won't be able to afford it, so expect to have some people that you love absent from the big day.
2.  Your venues, flowers, cake, etc!  Unless you've got a great wedding planner (and there are lots of them out there!) you're taking a chance on venues, flowers, etc.  It's great to be able to visit the site of your destination wedding ahead of time to make the arrangements and visit these vendors yourself.  But if you're hoping to just make some arrangements via the internet, you might be in for a big disappointment.
3.  Your timeline!  Travel takes time.  Unplanned and unforseen things can affect travel - the biggest being the weather, but think about things like flight delays, lost luggage, etc.  Planning to arrive at the destination well ahead of your wedding time might be a good idea for avoiding some stress.
4.  Your marriage license!  Make sure you've covered all the bases there - is the officiant licensed in that state or country?  Is there a waiting period after you apply?  Are there blood tests required?  Do you both have to apply in person?  Better to get those wrinkles all worked out ahead of time then be a bride without a legal license!
    Destination weddings are wonderful and special.  They allow you to break out of your local "box" and create a day that you'll hold fondly in your memories.  Making sure that all of the "i"s are dotted and the "t"s are crossed will make you enjoy it all the more!
For more information on Mackinac Island and weddings, visit their website at www.mackinac.com.
For more information on wedding planning in Cincinnati, visit my website at www.innobrations.com.

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