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Welcome! I am Laura Robinson, and I am a Certified Professional Wedding Planner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. I own and operate Innobrations, a unique and innovative Wedding and Event Planning Business.

There's so much to a wedding...style, ettiquette, ideas, colors, venues...the list goes on and on. Here you can find tips, ideas, trends, traditions and things that you just might not know about weddings.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tips for a Fantastic Rehearsal Dinner!

The Rehearsal Dinner is a time for the wedding party and both families to get aquainted before the wedding.  I've found that it is a wonderful, pressure-free time to celebrate and enjoy those closest to you.  As with just about everything else involved in a wedding, there are traditions that continue, and trends that have gone by the wayside.  Here's some tips and guidelines to make your Rehearsal Dinner a night to remember!

When should it happen?  Typically, when a wedding is on a Saturday, the rehearsal is usually on late Friday afternoon or early evening.  When it's all done, everyone heads over to the dinner for the rest of the evening. 
But if your wedding is on a Friday or a Sunday, the timetable might be different; your Rehearsal Dinner might actually be a Rehearsal Breakfast or Lunch.  It's all okay!  The best way to determine the time is to talk to your officiant, and they will let you know when you'll have the rehearsal.  Then just plan from there.

Where should I have it?  That depends on what you're most comfortable with.  It can be in an elegant restaurant, or a barbeque in the back yard.  It doesn't really matter, as long as there is food served, and everyone gets to know one another.

Who pays for it?  Traditionally, the groom's family paid for the rehearsal dinner, but in today's "anything goes" weddings, that's not always the case.  I've heard of the bride's parents picking up the tab; the grandparents of the groom;  or even the bride and groom themselves.

What happens at a rehearsal dinner?  There are often toasts made, thank you speeches, and lots of love.  But what you do at your dinner is entirely up to you.  It's a great time to present your attendants with their gifts, and it's also a wonderful time to express your graditude to everyone who is playing such an important role in your big day.

Who should I invite?  All of your wedding party, your parents, his parents, and any grandparents are a must.  You can also invite out of town guests if you're getting married in your hometown.  A good rule of thumb is that everyone in your wedding that you would purchase a bouquet, boutierre or corsage for should be at your rehearsal dinner.

Should I send invitations?  That's entirely up to you.  If you do, you don't have to get as fancy as your wedding invitations - just print something on the computer or buy some blank cards and fill them in.  It's always a good idea to keep the lines of communication going, so sending an invite with the name and address of the ceremony site, the time and date of the rehearsal and dinner, and the dinner location (again, with address!) will keep everyone in the loop.  It's also okay to e-mail or text it, but I'd recommend that you ask them to confirm with you that they got the information (by responding to the e-mail or text).

What about alcohol?  If you want to serve it, by all means, do.  If you have some heavy drinkers attending, you may want to consider limiting the amount of alcohol you have available, so no one is feeling "under the weather" for the wedding the next day.

Anything else?  It's a good idea to remind everyone what time and where they should be on the big day.  Good and early is best - that way, if one of those unexpected problems pops up (like a traffic jam, a flat tire, etc.), there's still time to work around it.

And, as always, be kind and gracious.  Sure, you'll be nervous and excited, and that will make it easy to snap or say things you don't mean, so be extra cautious with your words, don't have too much to drink, and enjoy your time with those folks that you love the best!

Planning a wedding is tricky!  There's lots of ways to save money and avoid hassles!  Give me a call or text and let's talk all about your wedding: 513-407-7165.

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